Transform Your Life With The 1% Principle

AJ Weiss
2 min readNov 2, 2021

Work with the flow of evolution, not against it.

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

It all starts with trimming one fingernail. Or reading one page of a book. One sentence even.

It starts with doing one push-up, then the next, then the next. You can’t help but trim all of your fingernails, because who just trims one fingernail?

If you can make your life 1% better today than it was yesterday, and keep that snowball rolling, then a month, three months, a year from now your life could be transformed.

A year from now, you might not even recognize yourself in the mirror, in the best possible way.

The best part in all this is you won’t be able to predict how that transformation will look or where you will be. The magic of life is that you don’t know where you’ll end up after taking all these baby steps. All you can do is put one step in front of the other.

Think about evolution. This is the way nature works, and it’s one of the most inspiring natural processes to behold. It adapts, transforms, but only ever slowly over time. And those slow, incremental, infinitesimal changes are what lead to the most profound transformations.

The kind of slow change that transformed dinosaurs into birds. The kind of change that started with a single atom and ended with you and I.

That T. Rex didn’t know it was going to evolve into a winged creature capable of flying. But it lived the way it lived and put one earth-shaking step in front of the other, and eventually it transformed into a completely different species.

The same principle can be applied in your every day life. We make small, positive changes that move our little human feet forward, and eventually the path we were on will diverge into a new, remarkable path.

We all want rapid change, instant gratification, but that’s not the way reality usually works. We’re still constrained to this three-dimensional space, to our own natural history.

We must humbly accept the power that small changes can bring into our lives.

Commit to making your life 1% better every day and see what happens.

